Saturday, April 12, 2008

Live With Intention

The concept of living with intention came to me first in the form of a mug. Yes, one blue coffee mug covered in gold writing found in a little store in Cannon Beach, Oregon that seemed to make so much sense and spark within me a desire to:

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.” ~
Mary Anne Radmacher ,

It was just a few weeks after I had picked up and moved myself from the Midwest to Portland far from the familiar and into the unknown, that I took a drive in search of the ocean. In that same day trip I not only found my first solace in the waves, but those words of Radmacher.

I drank from that mug each day, sometimes remembering to reread the words, to absorb them, work towards them, more often then not forgetting them. That was nearly ten years ago. Between the time of that purchase and now I've gone down many paths, made many discoveries, some pleasant some not, and though every once in awhile I was able to fully embrace those words - live with intention, I often forgot as the insecurities, anxieties, and fears got in the way. Yet they were there, planted. And I believe that they influenced some of the biggest changes I made in my life, for even though there were some crazy times where It seemed that I had lost myself to the negative, I always had a bit of Intention within to get me to the next phase.

As I embark on yet another new adventure I have Live with Intention engraved on my mind, for this adventure is not taking me across oceans as in the past, it is taking me into the unknown as I have leapt off the cliff of what is considered mainstream stability, a steady paying job, in hopes of creating a life that encompass’s all of my intentions and strives to reconnect to my source.

This is my journey.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Your time has come: the seed is growing. Now live those words!