Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Water Damage

This process of living with Intention is more then a change of careers. I’m not switching companies here. I’m switching the way I view life and the way I view myself. I’m trying to take on all those if only’s and make them into reality. So how does one really go about a task such as that?

I think step one has been opening my heart, or rather listening to my heart. Step two – line up the teachers, step three trust, step four make those leaps, step five trust, step six . . .

How to best put it? Cleaning house? Maintenance? Repairing the cracks? The Universe in it’s ultimate wisdom has reminded me that ‘hey it’s great that you are on this path finally, the future holds so much, but remember when you never fixed that leaky pipe, well you’re not going to be able to get where you’re headed until you do.’ And to drive the point home the crack sprung a leak.

So down, down, and back, back I go to address, yes, the past. Sounds so cliché doesn’t it? Or wise. Upset me a bit I can tell you that. That danged crack shot a line of water right into my back when I was looking the other direction this weekend. But after a bit of negativity and basic disbelief that a tiny little crack is still causing me problems over a decade later, I think I’ve realized that I need to be thankful for it leaking a bit. Cause I’m finally gonna get it repaired for real, and along with it all that water damage it did over the years, cause I have things to do and I can not afford it getting in the way. You know I never realized just how much water damage there was - seeped into all the woodwork, some parts rotted out.

I apologize for the plumbing analogy, but in true Midwest fashion, you don’t talk about it. You ignore it. You get really good at ignoring and you start living as if it never bothered you. Let your defense mechanisms start creating within you actions, habits, thought processes, and beliefs, all the while it is attracting as much negativity as effort put forth to ignore it.

Okay so I’m working on something here. I’m going to be thankful for my crack (I do realize how that sounds) and I am going to find a way to embrace it, own it, and forgive it. I’ve got to do a lot of reprogramming, a lot of forgiving.

I really do feel like this came up for a reason – I’ve got to acknowledge it.

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