Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Walk To The Edge

Now when, Radmacher wrote, Walk to the Edge, she didn’t really elaborate. The thought is enough it seems, but really what does that mean? Walk to the edge look down and say ‘wow, that’s a long drop.” It could be walk to the edge but hold onto the rail so you don’t fall. Or perhaps walk to the edge and jump off but be sure you have your parachute intact.

Well I walked to that edge and darned if I didn’t jump off feet first, putting me in the state of free fall from which I now have to keep my cool and trust that it is all going to be what it needs to be. Like that spider in the air, you can't always see it, but the footing is there.

There were some moments this weekend when I found myself looking down though. Forgetting that recommended position of free fall before the parachute opens and waving my arms around like Wiley Coyote when he realizes he's been duped by the roadrunner into running off that cliff. You can imagine what I saw, yup there they were those jagged rocks of insecurity and doubt, and what was I really thinking? Who am I to think that I can do this? Who makes a living writing? And why leave my job, I'm good at it, I'm appreciated there. Deep breath, deep breath, trust, trust.

So in this state of free fall I looked for a little reassurance. I started listening to my little guru of choice, Wayne Dyer, again. Of course playing the live lectures entitled, The Power of Intention, gotta keep up with the theme. What I love about the universe is the way in which it works to get you in the right place at the right time, put the right people, place or things in your path just when you need it.

I like to play this audio book at random. Not start from finish, as I’ve listened to it so many times. So I randomly found a spot, and pushed play. Low and behold there were the words I needed. He say’s it in so many ways, but the gist is: Envision yourself as if you were already where and who you want to be, envision yourself surrounded by abundance.

Perfect timing as you see I had one of those moments of, I will not have a paycheck, seriously, what was I thinking? But it was good. It will be good. I’m just going to trust that I will have what I need - and I trust that the web is there, even if I can't see it.

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