Thursday, November 12, 2009


I have so much in me. So much that wants to burst forth. I want to dance under the moon, I want to scream and scream until I cry tears of joy. I want to run with abandon. I want to be covered in paint, covered, covered in dirt, covered in ink, covered in clay. Covered in creation. So what is it that holds me back? What are these rules that I have ingrained from my early years of life that are telling what I must and must not do? These guidelines of life and living that are a hindrance more then an aid.

What was it that I was listening to the other day that stated, ‘if we had learned it all correctly when we were young we’d be fine now, but the reality is that we have to relearn everything that we were taught from 0 to 18 because our parents, bless their hearts, never learned it either.’

So here we are relearning. And I think I am pretty far along for what I’ve got to do. But I also must be kind to myself, for I am still relearning, and every moment is a part of the process.

So I welcome each moment, each learning moment. Each step along the way, and I am okay with the journey. For it is a journey.

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