Sunday, August 3, 2008


\ˈvəl-n(ə-)rə-bəl, ˈvəl-nər-bəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin vulnerabilis, from Latin vulnerare to wound, from vulner-, vulnus wound; probably akin to Latin vellere to pluck, Greek oulē wound
Date: 1605

1 : capable of being physically or emotionally wounded 2 : open to attack or damage : assailable 3 : liable to increased penalties but entitled to increased bonuses after winning a game in contract bridge

4. A perfectly horrible state of being when you have torn down all your walls, dropped all your clothes, and presented yourself to the world. You frantically look around for your clothes, but somebody has already given them away. You then turn your attention to getting those walls back because with them you at least knew where your boundaries were or were able to pretend that you did. They are gone too. Then you take a breath, say to yourself, "um, this is what I wanted right? This is what the sign said to do if you Intended to Live with Intention, be happy, find your true path right? Can't I just have one wall? I must have been insane to do this, was I high? Those clouds over there look threatening, could storm, on the other hand it could clear up and the rainbow could come out. I don't remember hearing the weather forecast. Brrr. . . getting chilly. How long will I have to sit out here? It's getting late . . . Yup, those look like rain clouds . . .

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