Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Neon Arrow Please

I’m avoiding writing. I’m avoiding thinking. Yet, in my avoidance of thinking I am going back and forth in half thoughts that never really get a chance to finish before being shoved to the side by other half thoughts. It’s really a time consuming state of being, leaving room only for the annoyance of power outages and frantic spurts of cleaning, which is closer to moving dirt from one place to another.

One might inquire as to why. Why these crazed half thoughts, why these elusive posts of vulnerability and then nothing. Simple: You open up the door to Intention and you don’t get to choose what comes in. You choose what you send out, what you intend, but the Cosmic Joker out there isn’t always following the same script that you wrote. Oh said Joker is working towards those same intentions, I do trust that, but they have to have their ‘fun’ with you along the way, making sure you learn those valuable lessons, have those epiphanies, those strokes of insight that come from cause and effect, thought upon thought (if you can allow them to complete themselves), from falling, from getting thrown off the train that you had booked months in advanced and forced to take the horse and pony cart.

So then you are left thinking, “Okay, what lessons AM I supposed to learn here, what directions AM I supposed to be taking? Jeez if you you’re going to high jack the train like a band of old west robbers at least you can leave a map to the nearest town.”

All I have to say is that I am manifesting a great big neon arrow flashing like a vacancy sign on a sleazy hotel, pointing in a defined direction. I intend to see a blinking flashing arrow. I intend to allow a thought to finish itself.

1 comment:

Asphodel said...

I blame all my incomplete thoughts on racing stimuli that hop around me like little shiny objects!