Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One month, One lifetime, One breath.

It is my second day home, I think. Yesterday I awoke to a phone call and had no idea what country I was in nor who I was talking to. A bit more settled today. The house has been swept of cobwebs and dust. The dogs bathed and loved, the laundry done. I’ve had some sleep and am now able to better collect my thoughts and to contemplate where to start, or rather where I am at physically and mentally.

I wasn’t ready to come home. The time away seemed as if it was a lifetime, and yet as I sit here it seems as if it all happened within one breath. One breath and my world changed.

There are a million things that I learned about myself and the world on this trip. I’m finding that I am not yet ready to jump back into the routine and life of my little island. I haven’t left the mountain yet. Today I haven’t even spoken yet. And that is okay. My soul needs to rest, to process, to internalize, to be silent.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Yes, take a deep breath! The world has a way of changing lives.