Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Everything Begins with a Thought

“What we think we become,” Buddha said. "For as he thinks within himself, so he is." Proverbs 23:7. Many wise men and women have said it in many different ways, but what it comes down to is your thoughts have a huge power over who you are and what you become.

Cleaning out that water damage I was able to take note of the thought processes that were creating within me something that I was not. I had to replace those thought processes with, I hate the word positive as it sounds like a therapists office, good energy thoughts. I AM. I am important, I am wanted, I am worthwhile, I am good, I am valued. I had to laugh thinking about how over the years I struggled with the idea that I wasn’t important enough. I was intent on proving that I was worthwhile, yet often those inner thoughts brought out the negative actions – enabling, people pleasing, self degrading . . . Funny cause so often I get mislabeled as confident and self actualizing, oh the power of becoming those characters of books. So gone away are those. I am, I am, I am Good. And I Intend to be Happy.

And as I think about what I Am, for it is I am, not what I’m going to be, I have to giggle. I feel a little like when my sisters and I were really young and we would cut out pictures from the JCPenny catalog designing our lives. Wishbooking as Grandma called it. Really that is what I am doing now. I am surrounding myself with what I want to be and do. I’m working on staying away from the negative music, books, movies, people, places that are going to keep me down. Later when I am in a better place I know that I will be able take the negativity of the world in a different way, as there is not a way to avoid it completely as of yet, but I gotta get the tools first. It’s funny, but I keep getting little reminders that I have work to, don’t go there yet, you’re not ready.

There is a space between the window and the bench outside of my classroom. Parents often sit their waiting for their children. I put a framed calligraphy of quotes, “Children Learn What the Live,” in August of 2007. I forgot about until recently.

If children live with criticism,they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility,they learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule,they learn to feel shy.
If children live with shame,they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance,they learn patience.
If children live with praise,they learn appreciation.
If children live with fairness,they learn justice.
If children live with security,they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness,they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

I am that child once again, and if I am going to learn to Live with Intention, I must surround myself with what I intend.

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